Appendix 2
Shipping prior to 1800
Po = Portugal, Nl = Netherlands, Br = Britain, Fr = France, Au = Austria, US = United States of America. Visitors to Tristan may also have been to Gough. Towards the end of the 18th Century, there also have been many unrecorded visits of whalers and sealers, often from the US. Numbers in the column 'source' refer to: 1. Brander (1940,1952), 2. Bruijn et al. (1979), 3. Gray Birch (1875), 4. Headland (1992), 5. Coolhaas (1964), 6. Milner & Brierly (1869), 7. Oliver (1891), 8. Smith (1991), 9. D'Après de Mannevillette (1775), 10. Stapel (1927), 11. Faustini (undated), 12. Purdy (1816), 13. Malhão Pereira (2001), 14. Soeiro de Brito et al (1992).
Year ships and captains from to source
1505 Gonçalo Alvares Po Gough 4
1506 Espirito Santo, Tristão da Cunha
Flor de la Mar, Afonso de Albuquerque Po Tristan 1,3
1508 Sam João, Jorge de Aguiar (shipwrecked!) Po Tristan 14
1520 Sam Rafael Rui Vaz Pereira Po Tristan? 11
1535 Espera, Fernão Peres de Andrade Po Tristan 13
1537 André Vaz Po Tristan? 13
1557 Santa Maria da Craça,
Luis Fernandes Vasconcelos Po Tristan? 11
1583 unnamed fleet Po Tristan? 8
1601 Bruinvis, Willem van Westzanen Nl Tristan 1
1620 Montmorancy, Esperance, and Hermitage,
Beaulieu Fr Tristan 11
1629 Hollandia, Der Goes, Westzaenen,
Oostzaenen, Jacob Speckx Nl Tristan 5
1630 Deventer, Middelburg, Hof van Holland,
Artus Gijsels Nl Tristan 5
1643 Heemstede, Claes Gerritsz. Bierenbroodspot Nl Tristan 1
1656 't Nachtglas, Jan Jacobsz. Nl Tristan 1
1657 Orangie, Rijklof van Goens Nl Gough 10
1659 Graveland, Nl Tristan 1
1666 Marquis de Mondevergne Fr Tristan 11
1669 Grundel, Gerritz. Riddermuis Nl Tristan 1
1675 Antoine de la Roche Br Gough? 4
1676 Vautour Fr Tristan 4
1681 Ternate, Gerritz. Nl Tristan 2
1685 Welfare, Kent, Rainbow Br Tristan 4
1690 Hirondelle, Valleau, François Leguat Nl Tristan 4,7
1696 Geelvinck, Nijptang, t'Wezeltje,
Willem de Vlaming Nl Tristan 1
1700 Paramore, Edmund Halley Br Tristan 4
1708 St. Louis Fr Tristan? 4
1711 l'Adelaide, l'Eclatant, le Fendant,
Housfaije, le Chevalier Fr Tristan 9
1732 Richmond, Gough Br Gough 4
1755 Le Rouillé, Joran Fr Tristan 9,11
1758 Osterly, Vincent Br Gough 4
1760 Gamiel Nightingale Br Tristan 1
1767 Etoile du Matin, l'Heure du Berger,
d'Etchevery, Sieur Donat Fr Tristan 1
1775 Joseph et Thérèse, Bolts Au Tristan 1
1777 Cormorant, Rippon, Vernon Br Tristan 4
1790 Betsy, Colquhoun US Tristan 6
1790 Industry, Patten US Tristan 1
1791 Philadelphia, Cahoone US Tristan 4
1791 Warren, Smith US Tristan 4
1792 Grand Turk, Hodges US Tristan 4
1792 Lion, Hindostan, Jackal, Gower Br Tristan 1,4
1792 General Elliott Br Tristan 8
1793 Le Courier, Le Gars Fr Tristan 1,4
1794 Essex Br Tristan 8
1795 Providence, Broughton Br? Tristan 12
1799 Sally, Péron Fr Tristan 4
For clarity, below I name the ships/captains, which have been listed by various authors, but to my best judgment never saw the islands (or did not even exist: Capitão Mor and Vlaming):
1503 De Gonneville
1506 Capitão Mor
1598 Van Neck
1610 Globe
1618 (1619) Bontekoe
1626 Dutch fleet
1646 Witte Olifant
1646 Koning David
1646 Witte Paard
1681 Elburg
1684 Tonquin Merchant
1697 Vlaming
1775 D'Après de Mannevillette